The third thing person needs to be emotionally whole is courage. Consider that anxiety has risen to the #1 mental health problem in the world. (it used to be depression). We are truly entering into the time that the Bible identifies as “Men’s hearts failing them from fear” (Lk. 21:26a)
A fearful person struggles with an inaccurate image of God. “Your God is too small.”
People say these things to themselves:
What if I fail?
I have to be perfect!
I have to be in control.
I will NOT trust.
If I lose ________ it will wipe me out.
I have to have other people’s approval.
Try catching yourself, and replacing such negative self talk with these:
It’s worth a try. What’s the worst that can happen?
I can have to courage to be imperfect. (meditate on that one for a while!)
What have I got to lose?
My worth as a person doesn’t depend on others’ approval.
I’m able to try new things and take the risk of failure.
I don’t have to control things. Even if I don’t like it, I can live with it.
I give out “Brain Vitamins” to my clients. They are positive affirmations on little cards that people can post on their mirrors, or in their cars, or wherever they will frequently look . Some of them are in the self-talk suggestions above.
Many people post Scripture around their house, to remind them of God’s faithfulness. We need reminding! Why don’t you do that too? Here are some scriptures for you:
Is 49:9,10; II Cor. 4:16-18; Jn. 16:33; Matt. 6: 19-34 (OK, That’s a little long to post on your mirror!); Heb. 11:6; I Jn.4:4, 18.
Faith is the opposite of fear. It comes by hearing the word of God, that is in our innermost parts of our soul. We need to spend time quietly meditating on Him, spend time with a mentor and wise (positive) people, spend time in His word. It can be done, even if we’re “crazy busy!” Audible or listening to the Bible or podcasts is one way to increase our exposure to His life-changing word.
Let’s not let the word squeeze us into its mold. Anxiety is the result! Let’s be intentional to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. The result will be that you feel better, have much more peace, and are more in love with Jesus.