8 Simple Prayers that Help Marriages
1. Lord,
give us tender hearts for each other and for You. This is a powerful prayer. It’s based on Matt.
19:8 where Jesus says that “because of the hardness of your hearts, Moses
allowed you divorce.” When we get hurt, we harden our hearts which leads to
emotional separation. Pray this daily for our spouses and ourselves! Even
several times a day may not be too often.
2. Help
us to hear You together. In Is. 30:18-21 we learn that He longs to
bless us and that He will direct us. How vital to develop the ability to hear
His guiding voice in unity! Pray to “hear” and then tell each other what you’ve
heard from God. Then pray again to choose a course together.
3. Lord,
what should I say and what should l not say? Help me know how much to say,
when to say it, and if I could keep silent on this issue. Prov. 15:23 say that
an apt answer brings joy. There are many other Proverbs that speak of the
danger of using too many words. We need to learn discernment on what is too
much and what is “stuffing it” or saying not enough.
4. Give
me your eyes to see him/her. II
Cor. 5:16 says we can learn to recognize no one according to the old nature. Asking
Him to help us see our spouse with His eyes is very helpful, as our vision is
often clouded with our own hurts, preconceived notions, and history of wounds from
5. Lord,
help me see myself as you see me. Due to our own personal wounds we are
often harsh with ourselves. This also causes us to be critical of our spouse
and children. Song of Sol 6:9-10 is a precious Scripture that shows how God
sees us. One of the greatest gifts we can give our spouse and children is to
allow Him to heal our emotional pain.
6. Help
me to encourage myself. In I Sam
30:6, David showed that he knew how to encourage himself in God’s strength. Too
often we rely on our spouse for encouragement, and try to get all our needs met
from him/her. As we learn to rely more on God to meet our needs, it will
greatly improve our marriages. We will be like less like a vacuum cleaner, sucking
the life out of the other one and more like a fountain, overflowing with love
to give out.
7. Help
me to encourage my wife/husband today. Heb. 3:13 urges us to encourage
each other, because life is full of discouraging situations that drain us. How
can we be part of the solution rather than part of the problem for our spouse?
8. Lord,
give me victory over bitterness. Heb. 12:14-17 warns us that a bitter heart
can pollute many. Most notably our children will learn to harbor bitterness, resentment
and unforgiveness if we do not get victory over these negative emotions in our marriages.
“Forgiveness is giving up our right to hurt the person back who hurt you.” (Dr.Archibald Hart) This understanding has the potential to change marriages
everywhere. After all, a marriage is a union of two good forgivers.