Sunday, March 29, 2020

Tips for Staying Sane in Quarantine

Well, a friend and colleague wrote most of these, but I thought they were good for all of us to read and think about. This is a unique time, we get through it by taking one day at a time, and not letting the "what if''s" get to us.

Tips to stay motivated and in good head space while stuck at home…

1. Make your bed

Sticking to your usual morning routine helps to start the day in a sane way. Especially when you get that fear realization that you are stuck at home, doing what you normally do in the morning helps the brain.

2 .Plan a schedule for the day
Plan out your entire day. A routine will establish normalcy in this not-so normal time. This boosts productivity and sense of purpose.

3. Create a bright environment
Whatever space you work in or hang out the most in…do some redecorating! Good lighting, plants, candles, upbeat music, etc. You want a room that you look forward to being in. Make sure you keep it organized and de-cluttered as well.

4. Water, water, water
Stay hydrated, drink lots of water. Don’t just drink soda pop and coffee all day. Also, try your best to eat healthy and not carb load on junk.

5. Spend time outside
It’s easy to start thinking of the outside world as scary. It’s not. Get outside; walk around your yard, do some planting, go for a walk, go for a car drive (and get Starbucks drive thru). Even if it’s just a few minutes several times a day to be outside, breathe deeply and watch the clouds. You need oxygen! A buildup of carbon dioxide is not good for anxiety. Plus, it’s helpful to remember that life still exists, the world has not ended, and that you are still part of the human race.

6. Movement
Devote specific time in your daily schedule for physical activity. Stream an exercise video, do some yoga, walk up and down stairs, stretch. Get the endorphins flowing! You may not have control over some aspects of this world right now, but you have control over your muscles!

7. Practice mindfulness
Same as physical activity, devote some time every day to practice mindfulness. Keep your mind in the here and now – don’t worry about the future. Meditate, listen to a peaceful podcast or guided mediation, do the Hershey kiss trick, hyper focus on your senses around you, close your eyes and listen to music… BREATHE

8. Attitude check
We are human; you will have wonky emotions, feel overwhelmed. It’s okay to allow yourself a bit of a pity party. Know when you’ve had enough and it’s okay to disengage for a bit. But then give yourself an attitude check. I suggest at least once a day, check your attitude. Notice if your thoughts are positive or negative, notice if your body is relaxed or tense. Don’t beat yourself up for this…just notice it and then put energy into turning the ‘tude around.

9. Joy
This is a unique time, we will be telling stories soon about where we were during this crisis and all be wearing “we survived” t-shirts. Make the most of this!!! Try a project you’ve been meaning to do. Read that book you haven’t had time for. Spend quality/ creative time with your family. Cook and eat meals together. Binge watch movies from the 1980s. Write the next great American novel. The possibilities are endless! Finally, once a day do something joyful. Schedule it into your day. Having something positive and joy filled to look forward to in your day is so so important.

10. Spend time with God    Read the Bible, pray, worship, sit quietly before Him, go out an admire Nature, and BE THANKFUL!

credit given to Melissa Doucette, MA, LMFT

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