Monday, January 11, 2016

Help! I'm a Selfish Pig!

4 tips to better relationships
Whether it is with a spouse, a co-worker, friend, or a child, we all want better relationships. Here are four tips that will help any relationship:
Don’t argue with them. So many of us have to be RIGHT, at the expense of the relationship. Why not just be quiet? You can always bring it up another time when things are calmer. It’s a sign of strength not to bicker. “Keeping away from strife is an honor for a man, but any fool will quarrel.” Prov. 20:3  On some things, you can afford to let them think they are right (how many times we went to grandmas last year, for example). Other times, it is imperative that you share your opinion; but do so graciously. Use gentleness, “you win more arguments with honey than with vinegar,” as your mom maybe told you.

Be interested! You can be interested in what they’re saying, even if it’s being interested in them as a person. For example, I sit thru many teens telling me of things that I am not interested in. Things I don’t even understand! But I think to myself, “Wow, this child must feel so abandoned, no one listens to him. I wonder what is going on inside, under all that talk about musicians, or the Internet, etc…” They open up to me because they sense I care.

Listen! Most of us default to self centeredness and don’t really hear what the other person is saying. Try repeating back or paraphrasing what you heard them say. “I hear you’re frustrated because she said one thing and did another.” Wow, the effect will be amazing! They will hardly believe you actually listened! It shows them you are willing to let them say what’s on their heart, without giving advice, ignoring, interrupting, or disagreeing with them. It’s called validating.

Be laid back. I don’t know anyone who appreciates a conversation with someone bent on convincing them of something. You can learn to just enjoy the person for who he is. Yes, even Type A’s can do this! I know because I am one, and I have had to practice not being overbearing in relationships so that others don’t feel threatened by my manner. It’s worth it, it really is!
There’s a way to remember these 4: the acronym GIVE.
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With intentionality and effort we can improve our relationships.  Let’s go for it! I can’t think of any better New Year’s resolution….

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